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Split Panes | Apache Pivot

Split Panes

Split panes provide a draggable divider, known as a "splitter", between two components, allowing a user to dynamically change the size of each component. The location of the splitter is expressed in terms of a percentage value (0.0 to 1.0) called the "split ratio", which determines how much space is allocated to each component.

Split panes also have an orientation, which dictates whether the two components sit side by side or one on top of another. A horizontally oriented split pane has a left region and a right region; a vertically oriented split pane has a top region and a bottom region. Since orientation is a runtime property of SplitPane, the regions are referred to generically as the "top/left" region and the "bottom/right" region and are specified using the SplitPane.Region enum.

When a split pane is resized, the caller can control how the change should affect the sizes of the two components by setting the split pane's "resize mode" and its "primary region". The resize mode can be set to either maintain the existing split ratio (allocate space according to existing allocation percentages) or to maintain the existing size of the primary region.

Finally, a split pane may be locked, which will prevent the user from dragging the splitter. Note that callers will still be able to programatically adjust the split ratio.

The following example shows a simple split pane that can be used to control the scale of an image view. You can change the orientation of the split pane by using the associated radio buttons. It also highlights the "useShadow" style, which is one of the styles supported by the Terra there's implementation of the split pane skin.

The BXML for this example is shown below:

            <Window title="Split Panes" maximized="true"
                function init() {

                <SplitPane bxml:id="splitPane" orientation="horizontal" splitRatio="0.6">
                        <Border styles="{padding:6}">
                            <ImageView image="/org/apache/pivot/tutorials/IMG_0725_2.jpg"
                            <BoxPane orientation="vertical" styles="{padding:6, spacing:8, fill:true}">
                                    <ButtonGroup bxml:id="orientation">

                                            function selectionChanged(buttonGroup, previousSelection) {
                                                var selection = buttonGroup.getSelection();
                                                if (selection == horizontalOrientationButton) {
                                                } else {

                                <Label text="Orientation" styles="{font:{bold:true}}"/>
                                <RadioButton bxml:id="horizontalOrientationButton"
                                    buttonData="Horizontal" buttonGroup="$orientation"/>
                                <RadioButton bxml:id="verticalOrientationButton"
                                    buttonData="Vertical" buttonGroup="$orientation"/>


                                <Checkbox buttonData="Use Shadow">
                                        function stateChanged(button, previousState) {
                                            splitPane.getStyles().put(Style.useShadow, button.isSelected());

Since this example is written entirely in BXML and script, there is no associated Java source.

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