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Repeatable List Buttons | Apache Pivot

Repeatable List Buttons

The following example demonstrates Pivot's support for "repeatable" list buttons. A repeatable list button allows a user to easily repeat the action associated with the currently selected item. They are often used to define "rubber stamp" behaviors that are applied to one or more selected items.

For example, the list button in the example allows the user to change the text color of the selected checkboxes. Clicking the drop-down arrow presents a list of color options, and clicking the currently selected color re-applies the color selection to the currently selected checkboxes:

The BXML source for the example is as follows:

            <lists:RepeatableListButtons title="Repeatable List Buttons" maximized="true"
                <Border styles="{padding:8}">
                    <TablePane styles="{horizontalSpacing:4}">
                            <TablePane.Column width="-1"/>
                            <TablePane.Column width="1*"/>

                        <TablePane.Row height="1*">
                                <Label text="Color:"/>
                                <ListButton bxml:id="colorListButton" Form.label="Color"
                                    repeatable="true" action="applyColor" listSize="8"

                                    <content:ColorItem color="#000000" name="Black"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#0000AA" name="Blue"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#00AA00" name="Green"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#00AAAA" name="Cyan"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#AA0000" name="Red"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#AA00AA" name="Magenta"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#AA5500" name="Brown"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#AAAAAA" name="Light Gray"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#555555" name="Dark Gray"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#5555FF" name="Bright Blue"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#55FF55" name="Bright Green"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#55FFFF" name="Bright Cyan"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#FF5555" name="Bright Red"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#FF55FF" name="Bright Magenta"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#FFFF55" name="Bright Yellow"/>
                                    <content:ColorItem color="#FFFFFF" name="White"/>

                                    <BoxPane bxml:id="checkboxBoxPane" orientation="vertical"
                                        styles="{padding:4, spacing:4}"/>

The Java source for the example is shown below. The logic for applying the color selection is encapsulated in the anonymous "applyColor" action defined by the applyColorAction member. The rest of the code simply manages the selection state of the checkboxes:

            package org.apache.pivot.tutorials.lists;

            import java.awt.Color;

            import org.apache.pivot.beans.Bindable;
            import org.apache.pivot.collections.ArrayList;
            import org.apache.pivot.collections.Map;
            import org.apache.pivot.util.Resources;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Action;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.BoxPane;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Button;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.ButtonStateListener;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Checkbox;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Component;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.ListButton;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Style;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Window;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.Button.State;
            import org.apache.pivot.wtk.content.ColorItem;

            public class RepeatableListButtons extends Window implements Bindable {
                private ListButton colorListButton = null;
                private BoxPane checkboxBoxPane = null;

                private int selectedCount = 0;

                private Action applyColorAction = new Action() {
                    public void perform(Component source) {
                        ColorItem colorItem = (ColorItem)colorListButton.getButtonData();
                        Color color = colorItem.getColor();

                        for (Component component : checkboxBoxPane) {
                            Checkbox checkbox = (Checkbox)component;
                            if (checkbox.isSelected()) {
                                checkbox.getStyles().put(Style.color, color);

                public RepeatableListButtons() {
                    Action.getNamedActions().put("applyColor", applyColorAction);

                public void initialize(Map<String, Object> namespace, URL location, Resources resources) {
                    colorListButton = (ListButton)namespace.get("colorListButton");
                    checkboxBoxPane = (BoxPane)namespace.get("checkboxBoxPane");

                    ButtonStateListener buttonStateListener = new ButtonStateListener() {
                        public void stateChanged(Button button, State previousState) {
                            if (button.isSelected()) {
                            } else {

                            applyColorAction.setEnabled(selectedCount > 0);

                    ArrayList<String> numbers = new ArrayList<String>("One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five",
                        "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten");

                    for (String number : numbers) {
                        Checkbox checkbox = new Checkbox(number);

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