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Tutorials | Apache Pivot


This tutorial introduces developers to the Pivot platform. It is designed as a step-by-step guide that explains how to get started using a number of common Pivot features, beginning with a detailed introduction to the platform and the compulsory first programming exercise, "Hello World", written in Pivot.

Readers who want a quicker introduction to the platform may prefer to jump directly to the final section, which walks through the implementation of a simple but practical sample application called "Stock Tracker". Stock Tracker demonstrates a number of key features used by many "real world" applications, including UI markup, event handling, web queries, data binding, and localization, among others. Readers may also find it helpful to review the BXML Primer section, which provides a detailed description of Pivot's markup language, before browsing the tutorials themsevles.

The sections are organized as follows:

Introduction to Pivot

Pivot Components

A Practical Example

Further Reading