Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.pivot.collections Package Description org.apache.pivot.beans Contains classes for manipulating and interacting with Java Bean Contains a collection of components for use in charting Contains classes representing chart Contains abstract base classes for chart view Defines a set of classes and interfaces that serve as generic collections as well as the data model for UI Provides a set of collection implementations that are backed byjava.util Contains a set of thread-safe collection Contains a set of read-only collection Contains classes related to input/output Contains classes that facilitate interaction with JSON and JSON-like data Contains a set of classes for use in data Contains classes for working with SQL Contains classes for working with Contains a collection of common utility Provides a set of classes to simplify the execution of background Provides classes for communicating with HTTP-based web Contains classes to facilitate access to and development of web query Contains classes that define the structure and behavior of WTK user interface Contains classes representing component data, such as list items or table Contains common skins and abstract base classes for theme-specific Defines skin classes for the "Terra" Contains classes representing a text object Contains classes that facilitate interaction with an XML DOM. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.beans Class Description Collection Root interface in collection hierarchy.Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.Map Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.MapListener Map listener interface. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.charts Class Description List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.charts.content Class Description ArrayList Implementation of theList
interface that is backed by an array.Collection Root interface in collection hierarchy.Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.HashMap Implementation of theMap
interface that is backed by a hash table.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Map Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by Class Description List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.collections Class Description ArrayList Implementation of theList
interface that is backed by an array.Collection Root interface in collection hierarchy.Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.Dictionary.Pair Class representing a key/value pair.EnumSet Implementation of theSet
interface that is backed by an array of enum values.Group Interface representing a group of unique elements.HashMap Implementation of theMap
interface that is backed by a hash table.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.List.ItemIterator Optional item iterator interface.ListListener List listener interface.Map Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.MapListener Map listener interface.Queue Interface representing a first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue when unsorted, and a priority queue when sorted.QueueListener Queue listener interface.ReadOnlySequence A read-only implementation of theSequence
interface that can be used to easily implement other read-only sequences, lists, adapters, etc.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Sequence.Tree.ItemIterator Nested sequence item iterator interface.Sequence.Tree.Path An object representing a path to a nested node in nested sequence data.Set Collection interface representing a group of unique elements.SetListener Set listener interface.Stack Interface representing a last-in, first-out (LIFO) stack when unsorted, and a priority stack when sorted.StackListener Stack listener interface. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.collections.adapter Class Description Collection Root interface in collection hierarchy.Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.Group Interface representing a group of unique elements.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.ListListener List listener interface.Map Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.MapListener Map listener interface.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Set Collection interface representing a group of unique elements.SetListener Set listener interface. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.collections.concurrent Class Description Collection Root interface in collection hierarchy.Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.Group Interface representing a group of unique elements.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.ListListener List listener interface.Map Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.MapListener Map listener interface.Queue Interface representing a first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue when unsorted, and a priority queue when sorted.QueueListener Queue listener interface.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Set Collection interface representing a group of unique elements.SetListener Set listener interface.Stack Interface representing a last-in, first-out (LIFO) stack when unsorted, and a priority stack when sorted.StackListener Stack listener interface. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.collections.immutable Class Description Collection Root interface in collection hierarchy.Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.Group Interface representing a group of unique elements.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.ListListener List listener interface.Map Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.MapListener Map listener interface.ReadOnlySequence A read-only implementation of theSequence
interface that can be used to easily implement other read-only sequences, lists, adapters, etc.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Set Collection interface representing a group of unique elements.SetListener Set listener interface. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by Class Description Collection Root interface in collection hierarchy.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.json Class Description Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Map Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.serialization Class Description List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Map Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.sql Class Description Collection Root interface in collection hierarchy.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.ListListener List listener interface.Map Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.text Class Description Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.util Class Description Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.util.concurrent Class Description Group Interface representing a group of unique elements.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.web Class Description Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.web.server Class Description Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.wtk Class Description ArrayList Implementation of theList
interface that is backed by an array.Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.Dictionary.Pair Class representing a key/value pair.Group Interface representing a group of unique elements.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Map Collection interface representing set of key/value pairs.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Sequence.Tree.Path An object representing a path to a nested node in nested sequence data.Set Collection interface representing a group of unique elements. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.wtk.content Class Description Collection Root interface in collection hierarchy.Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.ListListener List listener interface.ReadOnlySequence A read-only implementation of theSequence
interface that can be used to easily implement other read-only sequences, lists, adapters, etc.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Sequence.Tree.Path An object representing a path to a nested node in nested sequence data. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by Class Description Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by Class Description ArrayList Implementation of theList
interface that is backed by an array.Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items.Sequence.Tree.Path An object representing a path to a nested node in nested sequence data. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.wtk.text Class Description Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items. -
Classes in org.apache.pivot.collections used by org.apache.pivot.xml Class Description Collection Root interface in collection hierarchy.Dictionary Interface representing a set of key/value pairs.List Collection interface representing an ordered sequence of items.ListListener List listener interface.Sequence Interface representing an ordered sequence of items.