Package org.apache.pivot.wtk
Contains classes that define the structure and behavior of WTK user interface components.
Interface Summary Interface Description AccordionAttributeListener Accordion attribute listener interface.AccordionListener Accordion listener interface.AccordionSelectionListener Accordion selection listener interface.ActionClassListener Action class listener interface.ActionListener Action listener interface.ActivityIndicatorListener Activity indicator listener interface.AlertListener Alert listener interface.Application Represents the entry point into a WTK application.Application.AboutHandler Optional interface that allows an application to present information about itself.Application.UncaughtExceptionHandler Optional interface that allows an application to handle uncaught exceptions thrown during a user input event.Application.UnprocessedKeyHandler Optional interface that allows an application to handle unprocessed key events (keystrokes that are processed when no component has the input focus).ApplicationWithProperties Represents the entry point for a WTK application that has a container for application-scope properties.ApplicationWithProperties.AboutHandler Optional interface that allows an application to present information about itself.ApplicationWithProperties.UncaughtExceptionHandler Optional interface that allows an application to handle uncaught exceptions thrown during a user input event.ApplicationWithProperties.UnprocessedKeyHandler Optional interface that allows an application to handle unprocessed key events (keystrokes that are processed when no component has the input focus).BorderListener Border listener interface.BoxPaneListener Box pane listener interface.Button.ButtonDataBindMapping Translates between a button's buttonData and context data during data binding.Button.DataRenderer Renderer
interface to customize the appearance of data in a Button.Button.SelectedBindMapping Translates between selection state and context data during data binding.Button.StateBindMapping Translates between button state and context data during data binding.ButtonBindingListener Button binding listener interface.ButtonGroupListener Button group listener interface.ButtonListener Button listener interface.ButtonPressListener Button press listener interface.ButtonStateListener Button state listener interface.Calendar.SelectedDateBindMapping Translates between calendar date and context data during data binding.CalendarBindingListener Calendar binding listener interface.CalendarButton.Skin CalendarButton skin interface.CalendarButtonBindingListener Calender button binding listener interface.CalendarButtonListener Calendar button listener interface.CalendarButtonSelectionListener Calendar button selection listener interface.CalendarListener Calendar listener interface.CalendarSelectionListener Calendar selection listener interface.CardPaneListener Card pane listener interface.ClipboardContentListener Clipboard content listener interface.ColorChooser.SelectedColorBindMapping Translates between color and context data during data binding.ColorChooserBindingListener Color chooser binding listener interface.ColorChooserButton.Skin ColorChooserButton skin interface.ColorChooserButtonBindingListener Color chooser button binding listener interface.ColorChooserButtonSelectionListener Color chooser button selection listener interface.ColorChooserSelectionListener Color chooser selection listener interface.ComponentClassListener Component class listener interface.ComponentDataListener Component data listener interface.ComponentDecoratorListener Component decorator listener interface.ComponentKeyListener Component key listener interface.ComponentListener Component listener interface.ComponentMouseButtonListener Component mouse button listener interface.ComponentMouseListener Component mouse listener interface.ComponentMouseWheelListener Component mouse wheel listener interface.ComponentStateListener Component state listener interface.ComponentStyleListener Component style listener interface.ComponentTooltipListener Component tooltip listener interface.ConstrainedVisual Interface representing a visual that is used in layout.Container.EDTChecker ContainerListener Container listener interface.ContainerMouseListener Container mouse listener interface.DesktopApplicationContext.DisplayListener Display listener interface.DialogCloseListener Dialog close listener interface.DialogListener Dialog listener interface.DialogStateListener Dialog state listener interface.DragSource Interface representing a drag source.DropTarget Interface representing a drop target.Editor Base interface for content editors.ExpanderListener Expander listener interface.FileBrowser.Skin File browser skin interface.FileBrowserListener File browser listener interface.FileBrowserSheetListener File browser sheet listener interface.FillPaneListener Fill pane listener interface.FocusTraversalPolicy Defines the order in which components will receive focus during focus traversal.FormAttributeListener Form attribute listener interface.FormListener Form listener interface.FrameListener Frame listener interface.GaugeListener<T extends java.lang.Number> Gauge listener interface.GridPane.Skin Grid pane skin interface.GridPaneListener Grid pane listener interface.ImageView.ImageBindMapping Translates between image and context data during data binding.ImageViewBindingListener Image view binding listener.ImageViewListener Image view listener interface.Label.TextBindMapping Translates between text and context data during data binding.LabelBindingListener Label binding listener interface.LabelListener Label listener interface.ListButton.Skin ListButton skin interface.ListButtonBindingListener List button binding listener list interface.ListButtonItemListener List button item listener interface.ListButtonListener List button listener list interface.ListButtonSelectionListener List button selection listener interface.ListView.ItemBindMapping Translates between item position and bind context data during data binding.ListView.ItemEditor List view item editor interface.ListView.ItemRenderer Renderer
interface to customize the appearance of items in a ListView.ListView.ItemStateBindMapping Translates between item position and bind context data as well as item state during data binding.ListView.ListDataBindMapping Translates between list and bind context data during data binding.ListView.Skin List view skin interface.ListViewBindingListener List view binding listener interface.ListViewItemListener List view item listener interface.ListViewItemStateListener List view item state listener interface.ListViewListener List view listener interface.ListViewSelectionListener List view selection listener interface.Manifest Interface representing a "manifest".Menu.ItemListener Item listener interface.Menu.SectionListener Section listener interface.MenuBar.ItemListener Item listener interface.MenuBarListener Menu bar listener interface.MenuButton.Skin MenuButton skin interface.MenuButtonListener Menu button listener interface.MenuHandler Menu handler interface.MenuItemSelectionListener Menu item selection listener interface.MenuListener Menu listener interface.MenuPopupListener Menu popup listener interface.MenuPopupStateListener Menu popup state listener interface.MeterListener Meter listener interface.MovieViewListener Movie view listener interface.NumberRulerListener Listener for changes to aNumberRuler
that affect size and position.PromptListener Prompt listener interface.Renderer Base interface for "renderers".RollupListener Defines event listener methods that pertain to rollups.RollupStateListener Defines event listener methods that pertain to rollup state.RulerListener ScrollBarListener Scroll bar listener interface.ScrollBarValueListener Scroll bar value listener interface.ScrollPaneListener Scroll pane listener interface.SeparatorListener Separator listener interface.SheetCloseListener Sheet close listener interface.SheetStateListener Sheet state listener interface.Skin Interface defining a "skin".SliderListener Slider listener interface.SliderValueListener Slider value listener interface.Spinner.ItemBindMapping Translates between spinner and bind context data during data binding.Spinner.ItemRenderer Renderer
interface to customize the appearance of the data in a Spinner.Spinner.Skin Spinner skin interface.Spinner.SpinnerDataBindMapping Translates between spinner and bind context data during data binding.SpinnerBindingListener Spinner binding listener interface.SpinnerItemListener Spinner item listener interface.SpinnerListener Spinner listener interface.SpinnerSelectionListener Spinner selection listener interface.SplitPaneListener Split pane listener interface.SuggestionPopupCloseListener Suggestion popup close listener interface.SuggestionPopupItemListener Suggestion popup item listener interface.SuggestionPopupListener Suggestion popup listener interface.SuggestionPopupSelectionListener Suggestion popup selection listener interface.SuggestionPopupStateListener Suggestion popup state listener interface.TablePane.Skin Table pane skin interface.TablePaneAttributeListener Table pane attribute listener interface.TablePaneListener Table pane listener interface.TableView.CellRenderer Renderer
interface to customize the appearance of a cell in a TableView.TableView.HeaderDataRenderer Renderer
interface to customize the appearance of the header of a TableView.TableView.RowEditor Table view row editor interface.TableView.SelectedRowBindMapping Translates between selection and bind context data during data binding.TableView.Skin Table view skin interface.TableView.TableDataBindMapping Translates between table and bind context data during data binding.TableViewBindingListener Table view binding listener.TableViewColumnListener Table view column listener interface.TableViewHeader.Skin Table view header skin interface.TableViewHeaderListener Table view header listener interface.TableViewHeaderPressListener Table view header press listener.TableViewListener Table view listener interface.TableViewRowListener Table view row listener interface.TableViewSelectionListener Table view selection listener interface.TableViewSortListener Table view sort listener interface.TabPane.Skin Tab pane skin interface.TabPaneAttributeListener Tab pane attribute listener interface.TabPaneListener Tab pane listener interface.TabPaneSelectionListener Tab pane selection listener interface.TextArea.ParagraphListener Paragraph listener interface.TextArea.Skin Text area skin interface.TextArea.TextBindMapping Translates between text and context data during data binding.TextAreaBindingListener Text area binding listener interface.TextAreaContentListener Text area text listener interface.TextAreaListener Text area listener interface.TextAreaSelectionListener Text area selection listener interface.TextInput.Skin Text input skin interface.TextInput.TextBindMapping Translates between text and context data during data binding.TextInputBindingListener Text input binding listener interface.TextInputContentListener Text input text listener.TextInputListener Text input listener interface.TextInputMethodListener An interface expected to be implemented by every (text) component that can interace with the Input Method Editors for on-the-spot editing, esp.TextInputSelectionListener Text input selection listener interface.TextPane.Skin Text pane skin interface.TextPaneCharacterListener Text pane character listener interface.TextPaneListener Text pane listener interface.TextPaneSelectionListener Text pane selection listener interface.TreeView.NodeEditor Tree view node editor interface.TreeView.NodeRenderer Renderer
interface to customize the appearance of items in a TreeView.TreeView.Skin Tree view skin interface.TreeViewBranchListener Tree view branch listener interface.TreeViewListener Tree view listener interface.TreeViewNodeListener Tree view node listener interface.TreeViewNodeStateListener Tree view node state listener interface.TreeViewSelectionListener Tree view selection listener.VFSBrowser.Skin Commons VFS browser skin interface.VFSBrowserListener Commons VFS browser listener interface.VFSBrowserSheetListener Commons VFS browser sheet listener interface.Viewport.Skin Viewport skin interface.ViewportListener Viewport listener interface.Visual Interface representing a "visual".Window.Skin Window skin interface.WindowActionMappingListener Window action mapping listener interface.WindowClassListener Window class listener interface.WindowListener Window listener interface.WindowStateListener Window state listener interface. -
Class Summary Class Description Accordion Component that provides access to a set of components via selectable headers.AccordionAttributeListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.AccordionAttributeListener.Listeners Accordion attribute listeners.AccordionListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.AccordionListener.Listeners Accordion listeners.AccordionSelectionListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.AccordionSelectionListener.Listeners Accordion selection listeners.Action Abstract base class for "actions".Action.Callback A callback for the GUI thread to perform the given action there, unless the action is disabled at the timerun()
is called.Action.NamedActionDictionary Action dictionary implementation.ActionClassListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ActionClassListener.Listeners Action class listener listeners list.ActionListener.Listeners Action listener listeners list.ActivityIndicator Component representing an activity indicator.ActivityIndicatorListener.Listeners Activity indicator listeners.Alert Class representing an "alert", a dialog commonly used to facilitate simple user interaction.AlertListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.AlertListener.Listeners Alert listeners.Application.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.Application.UnprocessedKeyHandler.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ApplicationContext Base class for application contexts.ApplicationContext.DisplayHost Native display host.ApplicationContext.QueuedCallback Class representing a queued callback.ApplicationContext.ResourceCacheDictionary Resource cache dictionary implementation.ApplicationContext.ScheduledCallback Class representing a scheduled callback.ApplicationWithProperties.Adapter ApplicationWithProperties adapter.Automation Supports UI automation by providing a means to obtain a reference to a component via an automation ID.Border Container that displays a border.BorderListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.BorderListener.Listeners Border listeners.Bounds Class representing the bounds of an object (that is, the X- and Y-position plus the width and height).BoxPane Container that arranges components in a line, either vertically or horizontally.BoxPaneListener.Listeners Box pane listener listeners list.BrowserApplicationContext Application context used to execute applications in a web browser.BrowserApplicationContext.HostApplet Applet used to host applications in a web browser.Button Abstract base class for button components.ButtonBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ButtonBindingListener.Listeners Button binding listeners.ButtonGroup Class representing a toggle button group.ButtonGroupListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ButtonGroupListener.Listeners The button group listener listeners list.ButtonListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ButtonListener.Listeners Button listeners.ButtonPressListener.Listeners Button press listeners.ButtonStateListener.Listeners Button state listeners.Calendar Component that allows the user to select a date.CalendarBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.CalendarBindingListener.Listeners Calendar binding listeners.CalendarButton A component that allows a user to select a calendar date.CalendarButtonBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.CalendarButtonBindingListener.Listeners Calendar button binding listeners.CalendarButtonListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.CalendarButtonListener.Listeners Calendar button listeners.CalendarButtonSelectionListener.Listeners Calendar button selection listeners.CalendarListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.CalendarListener.Listeners Calendar listeners.CalendarSelectionListener.Listeners Calendar selection listeners.CardPane Container that behaves like a deck of cards, only one of which may be visible at a time.CardPaneListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.CardPaneListener.Listeners Card pane listeners.Checkbox Component representing a checkbox.Clipboard Singleton class providing a means of sharing data between components and applications.ColorChooser Component that allows the user to select a color.ColorChooserBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ColorChooserBindingListener.Listeners Color chooser binding listener listeners list.ColorChooserButton A component that allows a user to select a color.ColorChooserButtonBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ColorChooserButtonBindingListener.Listeners Color chooser button binding listener listeners list.ColorChooserButtonSelectionListener.Listeners ColorChooser button selection listeners list.ColorChooserSelectionListener.Listeners Color chooser selection listener listeners list.Component Top level abstract base class for all components.ComponentClassListener.Listeners Component class listeners.ComponentDataListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ComponentDataListener.Listeners Component data listeners.ComponentDecoratorListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ComponentDecoratorListener.Listeners Component decorator listeners.ComponentKeyListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ComponentKeyListener.Listeners Component key listeners.ComponentListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ComponentListener.Listeners Component listeners.ComponentMouseButtonListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ComponentMouseButtonListener.Listeners Component mouse button listeners.ComponentMouseListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ComponentMouseListener.Listeners Component mouse listeners.ComponentMouseWheelListener.Listeners Mouse wheel listeners.ComponentStateListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ComponentStateListener.Listeners Component state listeners.ComponentStyleListener.Listeners Component style listeners.ComponentTextInputMethodListener The wrapper implementation of theTextInputMethodListener
interface, which defers to the listener (if any) on the currently focused component.ComponentTooltipListener.Listeners Component tooltip listeners.Container Abstract base class for containers.ContainerListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ContainerListener.Listeners Container listeners.ContainerMouseListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ContainerMouseListener.Listeners Container mouse listeners.CornerRadii Class representing the corner radii of a rectangular object.DesktopApplicationContext Application context used to execute applications in a native frame window.DesktopApplicationContext.DisplayListener.Adapter DisplayListener adapter.Dialog Window class whose primary purpose is to facilitate interaction between an application and a user.DialogListener.Listeners Dialog listeners.DialogStateListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.DialogStateListener.Listeners Dialog state listeners.Dimensions Class representing the dimensions of an object.Display Container that serves as the root of a component hierarchy.Expander Navigation container that allows a user to expand and collapse a content component.ExpanderListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ExpanderListener.Listeners Expander listeners.FileBrowser Component representing a file browser.FileBrowserListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.FileBrowserListener.Listeners File browser listeners.FileBrowserSheet File browser sheet.FileBrowserSheetListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.FileBrowserSheetListener.Listeners File browser sheet listeners.FillPane Container that fills the space it has been given inside its parent and then arranges its child components in a line, either vertically or horizontally.FillPaneListener.Listeners Fill pane listeners.FlowPane Container that arranges components in a horizontal line, wrapping when contents don't fit on a single line.FontUtilities Utility class for dealing with fonts.Form A container that arranges field components in a form layout.Form.Flag Represents an message alert associated with a form field.Form.Section Class representing a form section.FormAttributeListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.FormAttributeListener.Listeners Form attribute listeners.FormListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.FormListener.Listeners Form listeners.Frame Container class representing a decorated frame window.FrameListener.Listeners Frame listeners.Gauge<T extends java.lang.Number> A circular gauge component that can display a single value of an arbitrary numeric type.GaugeListener.Listeners<T extends java.lang.Number> Gauge listeners.GraphicsUtilities Contains utility methods dealing with the Java2D API.GridPane Container that arranges components in a two-dimensional grid, where every cell is the same size.GridPane.Filler Component that can be used as filler for empty cells.GridPane.Row Represents a grid pane row.GridPaneListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.GridPaneListener.Listeners Grid pane listeners.HyperlinkButton Specialized subclass ofLinkButton
that actually implements an HTML hyperlink using theDesktop.browse(
method.ImageView Component that displays an image.ImageViewBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ImageViewBindingListener.Listeners Image view binding listeners.ImageViewListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ImageViewListener.Listeners Image view listeners.Insets Class representing the insets of an object, also called "padding" (or in some classes, "margin").Keyboard Class representing the system keyboard.Keyboard.KeyCode Contains a set of key code constants that are common to all locales.Keyboard.KeyStroke Represents a keystroke, a combination of a keycode and modifier flags.Label Component that displays a string of text.LabelBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.LabelBindingListener.Listeners Label binding listeners.LabelListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.LabelListener.Listeners Label listeners.Limits Immutable object representing minimum and maximum values.LinkButton Button component that resembles an HTML hyperlink.ListButton Component that allows a user to select one of several list options.ListButtonBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ListButtonBindingListener.Listeners List button binding listeners.ListButtonItemListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ListButtonItemListener.Listeners List button item listeners.ListButtonListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ListButtonListener.Listeners List button listeners.ListButtonSelectionListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ListButtonSelectionListener.Listeners List button selection listeners.ListView Component that displays a sequence of items, optionally allowing a user to select or check one or more items.ListViewBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ListViewBindingListener.Listeners List view binding listeners.ListViewItemListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ListViewItemListener.Listeners List view item listeners.ListViewItemStateListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ListViewItemStateListener.Listeners List view item state listeners.ListViewListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ListViewListener.Listeners List view listeners.ListViewSelectionListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ListViewSelectionListener.Listeners List view selection listeners.LocalManifest Manifest class that serves as data source for a clipboard or drag/drop operation.LocalManifestAdapter Manifest class that serves as data source for a clipboard or drag/drop operation.Menu Component that presents a cascading menu.Menu.Item Component representing a menu item.Menu.ItemListener.Listeners Item listeners.Menu.Section Class representing a menu section.Menu.SectionListener.Listeners Section listeners.MenuBar Component representing a menu bar.MenuBar.Item Component representing a menu bar item.MenuBar.ItemListener.Listeners Item listeners.MenuBarListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.MenuBarListener.Listeners Menu bar listeners.MenuButton Component that allows a user to select one of several menu options.MenuButtonListener.Listeners Menu button listeners.MenuHandler.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.MenuItemSelectionListener.Listeners Menu item selection listeners.MenuListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.MenuListener.Listeners Menu listeners.MenuPopup Popup class that displays a cascading menu.MenuPopupListener.Listeners Menu popup listeners.MenuPopupStateListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.MenuPopupStateListener.Listeners Menu popup state listeners.Meter Component that displays progress information.MeterListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.MeterListener.Listeners Meter listeners.Mouse Class representing the system mouse.MovieView Component that plays a movie.MovieViewListener.Listeners Movie view listeners.NumberRuler NumberRulerListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.NumberRulerListener.Listeners Listeners list for this interface.Palette Window representing a "tool palette".Panel Simple container that performs no layout.Panorama Container that provides a scrollable view of a component.Platform Provides platform-specific information.Point An immutable class representing the location of an object.Prompt Class representing a "prompt", a sheet commonly used to facilitate simple user interaction.PromptListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.PromptListener.Listeners Prompt listeners.PushButton Component representing a push button.RadioButton Component representing a "radio button".RadioButtonGroup Extension ofButtonGroup
providing keyboard navigation within the group and modified focus navigation that treats the group as a single focusable entity.
Select the previous button
Select the next button
Select the first button
Select the last button
(Note that onlyfocusable
buttons are considered when searching for a Button to select)
When a button within the group is focused and key is typed, an attempt is made to find the next button (default) or previous button (when the SHIFT modifier is pressed) whose renderer text starts with the typed character.RangeSelection Class for managing a set of indexed range selections.RemoteManifest Manifest class that acts as a proxy to remote clipboard or drag/drop data.Rollup Container that can be expanded or collapsed to respectively show or hide its content.RollupListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.RollupListener.Listeners Rollup listeners.RollupStateListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.RollupStateListener.Listeners Rollup state listeners.Ruler A viewport header that displays a ruler along either the top or left side.RulerListener.Listeners Ruler listeners.ScriptApplication Script application loader.ScrollBar Component that allows a user to select one of a range of values.ScrollBar.Scope Class representing a scroll bar's scope (that is, the start, end and extent values).ScrollBarListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ScrollBarListener.Listeners Scroll bar listeners.ScrollBarValueListener.Listeners Scroll bar value listeners.ScrollPane Container that provides a scrollable view of a component, with optional fixed row and column headers.ScrollPane.Corner Component class representing the components that will get placed in the corners of aScrollPane
.ScrollPaneListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ScrollPaneListener.Listeners Scroll pane listener listeners list.Separator Component representing a horizontal divider.SeparatorListener.Listeners Separator listener listeners list.Sheet Window class representing a "sheet".SheetStateListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SheetStateListener.Listeners Sheet state listeners.Slider Allows a user to select one of a range of values.SliderListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SliderListener.Listeners Slider listeners.SliderValueListener.Listeners Slider value listeners.Span Class representing a range of integer values.Spinner Component that presents a means of cycling through a list of items.SpinnerBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SpinnerBindingListener.Listeners Spinner binding listeners.SpinnerItemListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SpinnerItemListener.Listeners Spinner item listeners.SpinnerListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SpinnerListener.Listeners Spinner listeners.SpinnerSelectionListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SpinnerSelectionListener.Listeners Spinner selection listeners.SplitPane ASplitPane
is a container component that splits its size up into two regions, each of which is capable of holding one component.SplitPaneListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SplitPaneListener.Listeners Split pane listeners.StackPane Container that behaves like a stack of transparencies, all of which are visible at the same time.SuggestionPopup Popup that presents a list of text suggestions to the user.SuggestionPopupItemListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SuggestionPopupItemListener.Listeners Suggestion popup item listeners.SuggestionPopupListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SuggestionPopupListener.Listeners Suggestion popup listeners.SuggestionPopupSelectionListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SuggestionPopupSelectionListener.Listeners Suggestion popup selection listeners.SuggestionPopupStateListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.SuggestionPopupStateListener.Listeners Suggestion popup state listeners.TablePane Container that arranges components in a two-dimensional grid, optionally spanning multiple rows and columns, much like an HTML<table>
element.TablePane.Column Represents a table pane column.TablePane.Filler Component that can be used as filler for empty cells.TablePane.Row Represents a table pane row.TablePaneAttributeListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TablePaneAttributeListener.Listeners Table pane attribute listeners.TablePaneListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TablePaneListener.Listeners Table pane listeners.TableView Component that displays a sequence of rows partitioned into columns, optionally allowing a user to select one or more rows.TableView.Column Contains information about a table column.TableViewBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TableViewBindingListener.Listeners Table view binding listeners.TableViewColumnListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TableViewColumnListener.Listeners Table view column listeners.TableViewHeader Component representing a table view header.TableViewHeaderListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TableViewHeaderListener.Listeners Table view header listeners.TableViewHeaderPressListener.Listeners Table view header press listeners.TableViewListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TableViewListener.Listeners Table view listeners.TableViewRowListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TableViewRowListener.Listeners Table view row listeners.TableViewSelectionListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TableViewSelectionListener.Listeners Table view selection listeners.TableViewSortListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TableViewSortListener.Listeners Table view sort listeners.TabPane Container that provides access to a set of components via selectable tabs, only one of which is visible at a time.TabPaneAttributeListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TabPaneAttributeListener.Listeners Tab pane attribute listeners.TabPaneListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TabPaneListener.Listeners Tab pane listeners.TabPaneSelectionListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TabPaneSelectionListener.Listeners Tab pane selection listeners.TaskAdapter<T> Class that forwards task events to the UI thread.TextArea A component that allows a user to enter multiple lines of unformatted text.TextArea.Paragraph Class representing a paragraph of text.TextArea.ParagraphListener.Adapter Paragraph listener interface adapter.TextArea.ParagraphListener.Listeners Paragraph listeners.TextAreaBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TextAreaBindingListener.Listeners Text area binding listeners.TextAreaContentListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TextAreaContentListener.Listeners Text area content listeners.TextAreaListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TextAreaListener.Listeners Text area listeners.TextAreaSelectionListener.Listeners Text area selection listeners.TextInput A component that allows a user to enter a single line of unformatted text.TextInputBindingListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TextInputBindingListener.Listeners Text input binding listener listeners list.TextInputContentListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TextInputContentListener.Listeners Text input content listener listeners list.TextInputListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TextInputListener.Listeners Text input listener listeners list.TextInputMethodListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TextInputSelectionListener.Listeners Text input selection listener listeners list.TextPane Component that allows a user to enter and edit multiple lines of (optionally formatted) text.TextPaneCharacterListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TextPaneCharacterListener.Listeners Text pane character listeners.TextPaneListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TextPaneListener.Listeners Text pane listeners.TextPaneSelectionListener.Listeners Text pane selection listeners.Theme Base class for Pivot themes.Tooltip Window representing a "tooltip".TreeView Class that displays a hierarchical data structure, allowing a user to select one or more paths.TreeView.PathComparator A comparator that sorts paths by the order in which they would visually appear in a fully expanded tree, otherwise known as their "row order".TreeViewBranchListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TreeViewBranchListener.Listeners Tree view branch listener list.TreeViewListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TreeViewListener.Listeners Tree view listener list.TreeViewNodeListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TreeViewNodeListener.Listeners Tree view node listener list.TreeViewNodeStateListener.Listeners Tree view node state listener list.TreeViewSelectionListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.TreeViewSelectionListener.Listeners Tree view selection listener list.VFSBrowser A file browser that uses the Apache Commons VFS (Virtual File System) to be able to browse local and remote file systems, and browse inside of .zip, .tar, etc.VFSBrowserListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.VFSBrowserListener.Listeners VFS Browser listeners.VFSBrowserSheet A file browser sheet that uses the Apache Commons VFS (Virtual File System) to be able to browse local and remote file systems, and browse inside of .zip, .tar, etc.VFSBrowserSheetListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.VFSBrowserSheetListener.Listeners VFS Browser sheet listeners.Viewport Abstract base class for viewport components.ViewportListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.ViewportListener.Listeners Viewport listeners.Window Top-level container representing the entry point into a user interface.Window.ActionMapping Class representing a mapping from keystrokes to actions.WindowActionMappingListener.Listeners Window action mapping listeners.WindowClassListener.Listeners Window class listeners.WindowListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.WindowListener.Listeners Window listeners.WindowStateListener.Adapter Deprecated. Since 2.1 and Java 8 the interface itself has default implementations.WindowStateListener.Listeners Window state listeners.WTKListenerList<T> Deprecated. Since 2.1 because this class has been empty for some years.WTKTaskListener<V> Default implementation of theTaskListener
interface with default implementations of the methods. -
Enum Summary Enum Description BindType Defines a bind type.Borders Enumeration defining the possible border configurations for a Ruler.Button.State Enumeration representing a button's selection state.CSSColor The complete enumeration of the CSS3/X11 color names and values, taken from here:, and including the JavaColor
names (with all British/American spelling variants).Cursor Enumeration defining the supported mouse cursor types, and providing a mapping to the underlyingCursor
values.DropAction Enumeration defining supported drop actions.FileBrowserSheet.Mode Enumeration defining supported modes.FocusTraversalDirection Enumeration representing a focus traversal direction.GraphicsUtilities.PaintType Enumeration representing a paint type.HorizontalAlignment Enumeration representing horizontal alignment values.ImageView.ImageBindMapping.Type Defines the supported load type mappings.Keyboard.KeyLocation Enumeration representing key locations.Keyboard.Modifier Enumeration representing keyboard modifiers.ListView.SelectMode Enumeration defining supported selection modes.MessageType Enumeration defining a message's type.Mouse.Button Enumeration representing mouse buttons.Mouse.ScrollType Enumeration defining supported scroll types.Orientation Enumeration defining a two-dimensional orientation.Origin An enumeration of the possible origin (that is, starting point) values for aGauge
component, including the starting angle offset for each.ScrollPane.Corner.Placement Enumeration defining placement values for scroll pane corners.ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy Enumeration defining when to show a scroll bar, and if not showing, whether to constrain the pane's content to the size of the ScrollPane, or to let the content be shown at its unconstrained size.SelectDirection Enumeration of the possible directions we can select in.SortDirection Enumeration representing a sort direction.SplitPane.Region Enumeration defining split pane regions.SplitPane.ResizeMode Enumeration defining split pane resizing modes.Style An enumeration of oft-used style names in various components (esp.TableView.SelectMode Enumeration defining supported selection modes.TableViewHeader.SortMode Enumeration representing a sort mode.TextArea.ScrollDirection Enum representing a scroll direction.TextDecoration Enumeration representing text decoration styles.TextPane.ScrollDirection Enum representing a scroll direction.TreeView.NodeCheckState Enumeration defining node check states.TreeView.SelectMode Enumeration defining supported selection modes.VerticalAlignment Enumeration representing vertical alignment values.VFSBrowserSheet.Mode Enumeration defining supported modes. -
Error Summary Error Description ThemeNotFoundException Thrown when a suitable theme cannot be located.