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Demos | Apache Pivot


    Note: all demos require Java 6 or greater.

    Featured Demos

  • "Kitchen Sink"

    "Kitchen Sink"

    Demonstrates a number of commonly used Pivot components.

    Applet - Web Start

  • Stock Tracker

    Stock Tracker

    An example of a simple but practical "real world" Pivot application. It monitors stock quotes provided by Yahoo! Finance.

    Applet - Web Start

  • iTunes Search

    iTunes Search

    Simple application that allows a user to run search queries against the iTunes Music Store and presents the results in a table view.

    Applet - Web Start

    Other Demos

  • Component Explorer Allows interaction with the properties and styles of the stock Pivot components.
  • BXML Explorer Does a Graphical preview of bxml files, change (currently from outside) and reload, to see changes immediately.
  • Suggestion Popups Demonstrates Pivot's SuggestionPopup class by integrating it with Yahoo! search.
  • Color Scheme Builder Allows users to create and preview custom color schemes for Pivot applications.
  • XML Viewer Allows users to visually browse an XML document using a TreeView component.
  • JSON Viewer Allows users to visually browse a JSON structure using a TreeView component.
  • Decorators Decorators allow a developer to attach additional presentation to components, such as drop shadows, reflections, image effects, etc.
  • Table Row Editor An example of a table row editor that uses a slide effect to edit rows.
  • File Drag & Drop Demonstrates Pivot's support for drag and drop.
  • Large Data Sets Demonstrates Pivot's ability to handle large data sets of up to 1,000,000 rows.
  • RSS Feed Demonstrates how to build a simple RSS client in Pivot.
  • DOM Interaction Demonstrates Pivot's support for bi-directional communication between a Pivot application and the browser DOM.
  • Fixed-Column Table Explains how to create a table with fixed columns in Pivot. Fixed columns are handy when displaying tables with many columns.
  • Multiple Selection Demonstrates Pivot's use of ranges to maintain selection state in a ListView component. This is more efficient than maintaining a list of individual selected indexes.