Class TerraPaletteSkin

    • Constructor Detail

      • TerraPaletteSkin

        public TerraPaletteSkin()
    • Method Detail

      • install

        public void install​(Component component)
        Description copied from class: ComponentSkin
        Must be implemented in every subclass in order to do component-specific operations at instantiation time, but every subclass must call this superclass method to setup the necessary listeners, etc.
        Specified by:
        install in interface Skin
        install in class WindowSkin
        component - The component to which the skin is being attached.
      • getPreferredWidth

        public int getPreferredWidth​(int height)
        Description copied from interface: ConstrainedVisual
        Returns the visual's preferred width given the provided height constraint.
        Specified by:
        getPreferredWidth in interface ConstrainedVisual
        getPreferredWidth in class WindowSkin
        height - The height by which to constrain the preferred width, or -1 for no constraint.
        The preferred width given the height constraint.
      • getPreferredHeight

        public int getPreferredHeight​(int width)
        Description copied from interface: ConstrainedVisual
        Returns the visual's preferred height given the provided width constraint.
        Specified by:
        getPreferredHeight in interface ConstrainedVisual
        getPreferredHeight in class WindowSkin
        width - The width by which to constrain the preferred height, or -1 for no constraint.
        The preferred height given the width constraint.
      • layout

        public void layout()
        Description copied from interface: Skin
        If the component on which the skin is installed is a container, lays out the container's children.
        Specified by:
        layout in interface Skin
        layout in class WindowSkin
      • paint

        public void paint​(java.awt.Graphics2D graphics)
        Description copied from interface: Visual
        Paints the visual.
        Specified by:
        paint in interface Visual
        paint in class ContainerSkin
        graphics - The graphics context in which to paint the visual.
      • setBackgroundColor

        public void setBackgroundColor​(java.awt.Color backgroundColor)
        Description copied from class: ContainerSkin
        Sets the background of the container to a solid color.
        setBackgroundColor in class ContainerSkin
        backgroundColor - The new background color for the container.
      • getPadding

        public Insets getPadding()
      • setPadding

        public void setPadding​(Insets padding)
      • setPadding

        public final void setPadding​(Dictionary<java.lang.String,​?> padding)
      • setPadding

        public final void setPadding​(Sequence<?> padding)
      • setPadding

        public final void setPadding​(int padding)
      • setPadding

        public final void setPadding​(java.lang.Number padding)
      • setPadding

        public final void setPadding​(java.lang.String padding)
      • setTitleFont

        public final void setTitleFont​(java.lang.String font)
        Sets the font used in rendering the titlebar text.
        font - A font specification
      • setTitleFont

        public final void setTitleFont​(Dictionary<java.lang.String,​?> font)
        Sets the font used in rendering the titlebar text.
        font - A dictionary describing a font
      • getTitleFontScale

        public final float getTitleFontScale()
      • setTitleFontScale

        public final void setTitleFontScale​(float scale)
      • mouseMove

        public boolean mouseMove​(Component component,
                                 int x,
                                 int y)
        Description copied from interface: ComponentMouseListener
        Called when the mouse is moved over a component.
        Specified by:
        mouseMove in interface ComponentMouseListener
        mouseMove in class ComponentSkin
        component - Component that is under the mouse.
        x - X position of the mouse.
        y - Y position of the mouse.
        true to consume the event; false to allow it to propagate (default return).
      • mouseDown

        public boolean mouseDown​(Component component,
                                 Mouse.Button button,
                                 int x,
                                 int y)
        Description copied from interface: ComponentMouseButtonListener
        Called when a mouse button is pressed over a component.
        Specified by:
        mouseDown in interface ComponentMouseButtonListener
        mouseDown in class ComponentSkin
        component - Component that is under the mouse pointer.
        button - Which mouse button was pressed.
        x - X position of the mouse.
        y - Y position of the mouse.
        true to consume the event; false to allow it to propagate (default).
      • mouseUp

        public boolean mouseUp​(Component component,
                               Mouse.Button button,
                               int x,
                               int y)
        Description copied from interface: ComponentMouseButtonListener
        Called when a mouse button is released over a component.
        Specified by:
        mouseUp in interface ComponentMouseButtonListener
        mouseUp in class ComponentSkin
        component - Component user the mouse pointer.
        button - Which mouse button that was released.
        x - X position of the mouse.
        y - Y position of the mouse.
        true to consume the event; false to allow it to propagate (default).
      • titleChanged

        public void titleChanged​(Window window,
                                 java.lang.String previousTitle)
        Description copied from interface: WindowListener
        Called when a window's title has changed.
        window - The window whose title has changed.
        previousTitle - What the title was previously (can be null).
      • windowOpened

        public void windowOpened​(Window window)
        Description copied from interface: WindowStateListener
        Called when a window has opened.
        window - The newly opened window.