Class TerraTextPaneSkin

    • Method Detail

      • setColor

        public final void setColor​(int color)
        Set the foreground color to the given theme index color.
        color - The theme index for the new foreground color.
      • setInactiveColor

        public final void setInactiveColor​(int inactiveColor)
        Set the inactive color to the given theme index color.
        inactiveColor - The theme index for the new inactive color.
      • setSelectionColor

        public final void setSelectionColor​(int selectionColor)
        Set the selection color to the given theme index color.
        selectionColor - The theme index for the new selection color.
      • setSelectionBackgroundColor

        public final void setSelectionBackgroundColor​(int selectionBackgroundColor)
        Set the selection background color to the given theme index color.
        selectionBackgroundColor - The theme index for the new selection background color.
      • setInactiveSelectionColor

        public final void setInactiveSelectionColor​(int inactiveSelectionColor)
        Set the inactive selection color to the given theme index color.
        inactiveSelectionColor - The theme index for the new inactive selection color.
      • setInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor

        public final void setInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor​(int inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor)
        Set the inactive selection background color to the given theme index color.
        inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor - The theme index for the new inactive selection background color.