Interface TableViewSortListener

    • Method Detail

      • sortAdded

        default void sortAdded​(TableView tableView,
                               java.lang.String columnName)
        Called when a sort has been added to a table view.
        tableView - The source of this event.
        columnName - The new column name added to the sort criteria.
      • sortUpdated

        default void sortUpdated​(TableView tableView,
                                 java.lang.String columnName,
                                 SortDirection previousSortDirection)
        Called when a sort has been updated in a table view.
        tableView - The source of this event.
        columnName - The column that was updated.
        previousSortDirection - The previous value of the sort direction for this column.
      • sortRemoved

        default void sortRemoved​(TableView tableView,
                                 java.lang.String columnName,
                                 SortDirection sortDirection)
        Called when a sort has been removed from a table view.
        tableView - The source of this event.
        columnName - The column name that was removed from the sort criteria.
        sortDirection - What the sort direction was for this column.
      • sortChanged

        default void sortChanged​(TableView tableView)
        Called when a table view's sort has changed.
        tableView - The source of this event.