Interface ScrollBarListener

    • Method Detail

      • orientationChanged

        default void orientationChanged​(ScrollBar scrollBar,
                                        Orientation previousOrientation)
        Called when a scroll bar's orientation has changed.
        scrollBar - The scroll bar that changed orientation.
        previousOrientation - The previous orientation.
      • scopeChanged

        default void scopeChanged​(ScrollBar scrollBar,
                                  int previousStart,
                                  int previousEnd,
                                  int previousExtent)
        Called when a scroll bar's scope has changed.
        scrollBar - The scroll bar that changed.
        previousStart - The previous start value.
        previousEnd - The previous end value.
        previousExtent - The previous scroll bar extent value.
      • unitIncrementChanged

        default void unitIncrementChanged​(ScrollBar scrollBar,
                                          int previousUnitIncrement)
        Called when a scroll bar's unit increment has changed.
        scrollBar - The scroll bar that changed.
        previousUnitIncrement - The previous unit increment value.
      • blockIncrementChanged

        default void blockIncrementChanged​(ScrollBar scrollBar,
                                           int previousBlockIncrement)
        Called when a scroll bar's block increment has changed.
        scrollBar - The scroll bar that changed.
        previousBlockIncrement - The previous block increment value.