Interface ButtonBindingListener

    • Method Detail

      • buttonDataKeyChanged

        default void buttonDataKeyChanged​(Button button,
                                          java.lang.String previousButtonDataKey)
        Called when a button's buttonData key has changed.
        button - The button that has changed.
        previousButtonDataKey - The previous binding key for the button data.
      • buttonDataBindTypeChanged

        default void buttonDataBindTypeChanged​(Button button,
                                               BindType previousButtonDataBindType)
        Called when a button's buttonData bind type has changed.
        button - The button that has changed.
        previousButtonDataBindType - The previous bind type for the button data.
      • buttonDataBindMappingChanged

        default void buttonDataBindMappingChanged​(Button button,
                                                  Button.ButtonDataBindMapping previousButtonDataBindMapping)
        Called when a button's buttonData bind mapping has changed.
        button - The button that has changed.
        previousButtonDataBindMapping - The previous bind mapping for the button data.
      • selectedKeyChanged

        default void selectedKeyChanged​(Button button,
                                        java.lang.String previousSelectedKey)
        Called when a button's selected key has changed.
        button - The button that has changed.
        previousSelectedKey - The previous binding key for the selected state.
      • selectedBindTypeChanged

        default void selectedBindTypeChanged​(Button button,
                                             BindType previousSelectedBindType)
        Called when a button's selected bind type has changed.
        button - The button that has changed.
        previousSelectedBindType - The previous bind type for the selected state.
      • selectedBindMappingChanged

        default void selectedBindMappingChanged​(Button button,
                                                Button.SelectedBindMapping previousSelectedBindMapping)
        Called when a button's selected bind mapping has changed.
        button - The button that has changed.
        previousSelectedBindMapping - The previous bind mapping for the selected state.
      • stateKeyChanged

        default void stateKeyChanged​(Button button,
                                     java.lang.String previousStateKey)
        Called when a button's state key has changed.
        button - The button that has changed.
        previousStateKey - The previous binding key for the button state.
      • stateBindTypeChanged

        default void stateBindTypeChanged​(Button button,
                                          BindType previousStateBindType)
        Called when a button's state bind type has changed.
        button - The button that has changed.
        previousStateBindType - The previous bind type for the button state.
      • stateBindMappingChanged

        default void stateBindMappingChanged​(Button button,
                                             Button.StateBindMapping previousStateBindMapping)
        Called when a button's state bind mapping has changed.
        button - The button that has changed.
        previousStateBindMapping - The previous bind mapping for the button state.